Echo - Morphed Mythologies
Het Tijdelijk Museum of Modern Art and it’s exhibition Echo- Morphed Mythologies are both a part the overarching project «Uncontrollability or Paranoid Production and Perception or You’re so Paranoid You Probably Think This Project Is About You». Through a methodology based on elements from performance, pataphysics and storytelling, I use fictional narratives to create an imaginary context to operate within. For this project, I created Het Tijdelijk Museum and wrote 50 applications for my own Open Call. The art-works, all executed by me while acting out different characters, can be seen in the final exhibition Echo - Morphed Myhtologies. As Het Tijdelijk Museum of Modern Art is a museum imagined for the sake of the need of a context for the exhibition, it does not have a physical body. However, through the use of a building costume, the small, white cube inside of Huidenclub will dress up and act as Het Tijdelijk for the duration of the exhibition.