Flex for Flux
2021 | Textile, video, installation
Part of: Uncontrollability Or Paranoid Production And Perception Or You’re So Paranoid You Probably Think This Project Is About Me.
“The project depicts the illusion of progressiveness, gender normativity, and consistent stigmas within craftsmanships. Flex for Flux aims to dismantle ubiquitous preconceived bias and question whether or not contemporary art- and design institutions are fuelling stereotypes of conservative homogeneous practices and ideals. Are we still clinging to conservative notions of feminine and masculine crafts - the soft and safe versus the hard and (potentially) dangerous? A workshop manager, two students, an alumnus and a philosopher, all from the same institution, gathers after hours in a workshop, spending their time in a secret, self-initiated crochet club. To compensate for what may be perceived as feminine behaviour, the group creates masculine emblems in the shape of biceps.”
Text by Maren Bang in the role of Nolan Meier.
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