Peacock Cabinet
2021 - 2023 | Writing, editing, graphic design Download paper or read more
During a period of three years I performed writing, editing and graphic design for Ph.D. candidate Bjørn Jørund Blikstad at Oslo National Academy of the Arts, on both papers along the ph.d period and for the final dissertation. One of the main assignments was the foreword and graphic design of the paper “Peacock Cabinet. Mary Magdalene From Feathers To Fur To Flesh: Painting a woodparent cabinet red”.
According to the author; “This magazine is a written and graphic account of attempting to level with the scope and scale of the kind intuition that is responsible for producing the desire to create something. The kind of desire that you are not able to contain in anything you already are aware of. The kind of idea you cannot quite define, which are kept alive by a particular gut feeling. A feeling that is both joyous and frightening, outlining the contour of a body on the horizon of thought. A contour you are curious to experience with full sensorial perception. Bodies we normally meet in the category of artefacts – wordless but sensible.”
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