The fountain offers the best of both worlds; ephemeral pleasure and trustworthy predictability. It investigates human-centrism and the need (and ability) to control nature and natural phenomena.
The project depicts the internal battle between the fetishized crave for the ornamental and extravagant on the one hand and the modernist ideal of control, minimalism, and asceticism on the
other. Should we be excused from the responsibility to make choices to stand by just because we can? By (through the use of materials) representing the water in all ways except with the element itself, all risk of mess or spillage is eliminated. The dynamic, fluctuating momentum of water is present only through screens. For those reluctant to choose, the touchscreens offer three different, alternative fountains - to suit all moods and facilitating visual gluttony without the solicitude for the mess that follows. You can choose from an assortment ranging from the modest to the extravagant, represented by classic Roman fountains, grandiose fountain shows, and Zen fountains from Japanese gardens.
Text by Maren Bang in the role of Evelin M. Edland.